After you read this link consider the following blog that hopefully will inspire some of you to vote for real environmental change that will protect our lives and future generations from man-made disease-causing toxins.
Those of you living in Northeast Wisconsin where PCB and related man-made toxins contaminate the lakes and rivers should be particularly interested in this blog. Unfortunately, similar issues prevail wherever we live .
Why does the EPA and state department of natural resources continue to advocate actions that disregards the huge and growing body of evidence that proves that many chronic and often debilitating and fatal diseases are caused by very minute concentrations of man-made toxins that accumulate over many years in our bodies. These toxic substances are also absorbed and adsorbed in foods that we consume and are transferred to body organs where they gradually accumulate. The gradual accumulation eventually eventually causes cellular abnormalities that often leads to incurable chronic and often fatal diseases. Federal reports including, the NIH Report on Carcinogens and the EPA Toxic Release Inventory verifies the validity of these statements. Read them and don't take my word alone. You may wonder why these reports are published and largely ignored by our elected government officials.
The corporate manufacturers and polluters of toxic and carcinogenic substances have poisoned and continue to poison our drinking water, air, and land while the EPA, DNR, state and federal governments refuse or neglect to take definitive actions to REMOVE toxins from contaminated river beds, lakes, and contaminated land. and vigorously restrict the future manufacture and use of these bio-accumulative toxins that new born infants are exposed to from the moment they are conceived and develop within their mother's womb. When will we the people DEMAND action from our elected government officials to stop this blatant neglect of country that they are responsible for protecting? When will the people count more than the corporate poisoners and the moneybag lobbyists who feather the pockets of government official with campaign dollars so that their profit interest are protected and secured?
We hear much about "Homeland Security" nowadays, but when have you heard mention of protection against the man-made toxins that poison us without a single terrorist involved, unless you implicate our own government and the corporate poisoners that they apparently shelter? How many millions of us have been poisoned by our own government's neglect as they continue to minimize environmental protection from man-made bio-accumulative, disease-causing substances? This blatant neglect and "conscious/unconscious" protection of corporate profit-making interests must not be allowed to continue. Your vote in the forthcoming elections can make a significant impact on future environmental protection of our environment if you demand changes and vote accordingly.
We must vote for individuals who are committed to protecting the common people of our country. The time to act is upon us. Vote to protect yourself and future generations from the corporate/government neglect that allows man-made poisons and carcinogens to contaminate the environment and cause otherwise preventable disease and death. We must not stand idly by and allow the entrenched political and corporate interest to control our well-being and destiny. Become informed, involved, and proactive and stand up for real environmental protection.
The Preamble of our Constitution commits the people of the United States to "promote the general welfare". When our government sanctions the poisoning of the environment and our people how can it be following the people's constitution? The elected politicians must be reminded that : " We the people of The United States, in order to form a more perfect union,establish justice, insure domestic tranquillity, provide for the common defense, promote the general welfare, and secure the blessings of liberty to ourselves and our posterity , do ordain and establish this Constitution for the United States of America." [Sept. 17, 1787] . VOTE TO REMIND THEM.
Let us vote to restore their memory as they take their oath to uphold our Constitution.