Monday, December 20, 2010
The Drinking Water Dilemma: The Toxins and Cancer-Causing Man-Made Chemicals in Your Drinking Water
The Drinking Water Dilemma: The Toxins and Cancer-Causing Man-Made Chemicals in Your Drinking Water: "- Sent using Google Toolbar"
The Toxins and Cancer-Causing Man-Made Chemicals in Your Drinking Water
Today some snippets of new appeared in various parts of the USA concerning the ongoing work of the Environmental Working Group. This research and advocacy organization is dedicated to educating the American public about the poisons in our drinking water, and the scope of the problem that even affects new born children.
One piece of news relates to Madison Wisconsin's municipal water system. Excessive concentrations of hexavalent chromium, a known carcinogen is present in all public water provided in Madison. EWG reports that this is very common in all cities in the USA.
If this type of problem was a rarity we might be able to locally respond with appropriate corrective action. It is not a rarity. Toxic and carcinogenic water is consumed by virtually millions of us , probably a majority of all Americans daily, as we drink and cook with tap water wherever we live and travel. The reason is that we are now living during the 9th decade of the massive poisoning of all water supplies with man-made chemicals. Virtually all of these man-made chemicals were developed, manufactured, and released into our water sources, often deliberately and almost always without public awareness or consent. This toxification of Earth's water has effected all regions of the world where over 100,000 different man-made toxic and carcinogenic chemicals have been produced and used in monumental quantities for industrial, military, commercial, and public purposes since the 1930's, when PCB's were first manufactured and used in massive quantities. This long lasting toxin, PCB, is found in most water systems also, and will persist indefinitely unless new water purification systems are implemented throughout our country. A pure pipe dream in our country.
Meanwhile we all are exposed daily to carcinogens and toxins with every sip of water and bite of food, and often airborne sources that we breathe as well. Is there any wonder that cancer is rampant, even among children and new born as they are recipients of their mothers water-containing toxins during fetal development.
I wrote a book on this subject in 2006, " A Drinker's Guide to Pure Water--Is Your Water Safe" that I hoped would awaken some of us to the magnitude of this problem and help activate some remedial action. Another pure pipe dreams. Maybe with the recent EWG findings some of us will awaken and at least take personal steps to protect ourselves from these killing cancer-causing chemicals. You can purchase my book very inexpensively from Amazon. It is almost being given away so get a copy and share it with friends and relatives, and follow EWG reports. At least you will become aware of the facts and possibly do something constructive to protect your self and loved ones from the poisons and carcinogens carried in your drinking water.
One piece of news relates to Madison Wisconsin's municipal water system. Excessive concentrations of hexavalent chromium, a known carcinogen is present in all public water provided in Madison. EWG reports that this is very common in all cities in the USA.
If this type of problem was a rarity we might be able to locally respond with appropriate corrective action. It is not a rarity. Toxic and carcinogenic water is consumed by virtually millions of us , probably a majority of all Americans daily, as we drink and cook with tap water wherever we live and travel. The reason is that we are now living during the 9th decade of the massive poisoning of all water supplies with man-made chemicals. Virtually all of these man-made chemicals were developed, manufactured, and released into our water sources, often deliberately and almost always without public awareness or consent. This toxification of Earth's water has effected all regions of the world where over 100,000 different man-made toxic and carcinogenic chemicals have been produced and used in monumental quantities for industrial, military, commercial, and public purposes since the 1930's, when PCB's were first manufactured and used in massive quantities. This long lasting toxin, PCB, is found in most water systems also, and will persist indefinitely unless new water purification systems are implemented throughout our country. A pure pipe dream in our country.
Meanwhile we all are exposed daily to carcinogens and toxins with every sip of water and bite of food, and often airborne sources that we breathe as well. Is there any wonder that cancer is rampant, even among children and new born as they are recipients of their mothers water-containing toxins during fetal development.
I wrote a book on this subject in 2006, " A Drinker's Guide to Pure Water--Is Your Water Safe" that I hoped would awaken some of us to the magnitude of this problem and help activate some remedial action. Another pure pipe dreams. Maybe with the recent EWG findings some of us will awaken and at least take personal steps to protect ourselves from these killing cancer-causing chemicals. You can purchase my book very inexpensively from Amazon. It is almost being given away so get a copy and share it with friends and relatives, and follow EWG reports. At least you will become aware of the facts and possibly do something constructive to protect your self and loved ones from the poisons and carcinogens carried in your drinking water.
Saturday, October 30, 2010
Walking, Talking, Reservoirs
Without drinking water we all perish. We become dehydrated and merely skin, bones, and dry organs. We lose about 70% of our body weight as we shrivel and eventually leave only our bones behind to possibly fossilize for some future archeologist, a million years from now, to discover and analyze. Without water we are truly a sack of bones. Yet we seldom give a thought to protecting the water we drink from contamination with toxic substances, and therefore many of us carry more than 100 pounds of potentially toxic water in us as`we meander about. If you weigh 150 pounds, nearly 100 pound of your weight is water. The source of all the water in you body is external. Food, watery fluids, and most vitally water. about 5 quarts of water becomes blood and recirculates continuously and is replenishes as waste fluids are normally eliminated. Much of the water is permanently stores in our cells throughout our body. We are walking, talking, reservoirs of water and will not exist if we dry out.
Despite the vital function of water we seldom think about it. We eat, drink, and take for granted the most vital ingredient of life. We also fail to acknowledge that every pound of weight we gain is about 70% water. The worlds population of about 6.8 billion stores in their approximate average weight bodies (estimated by me as 85 pounds), more than 400 billion pounds of water. As the earth's population increases this number does, so that by 2050 when the population is estimated to reach about 10 billion people, approximately one trillion pounds (454 billion kilograms, or about 161 billion cubic feet)of water will be stored in our collective world population bodies. The fatter we grow the greater will be the total amount.
Upon life termination the water contained within us returns to earth in the form of evaporation or fluid dispersion, that may not be readily available to resupply aquifers, etc. Even if they would resupply water sources would the water be OK to drink, even after treatments that are seldom adequate? How large can the world population grow before potable water becomes depleted, and massive purification methods will be required. At the rate that political leaders recognize and respond to new requirements it will likely be too late, and massive die offs will likely occur.
The simultaneous poisoning of earths drinking water (my book,"A Drinker's Guide to Pure Water, Is Your Water Safe?) describes the problems) and the population explosion will intersect at some point and future life will cease, at lease as we recognize it. This may take several hundreds , thousands , or even millions of years dependent upon the rate at which toxification of drinking water continues, and the human tolerance to chemical toxins, and carcinogens.
Despite the vital function of water we seldom think about it. We eat, drink, and take for granted the most vital ingredient of life. We also fail to acknowledge that every pound of weight we gain is about 70% water. The worlds population of about 6.8 billion stores in their approximate average weight bodies (estimated by me as 85 pounds), more than 400 billion pounds of water. As the earth's population increases this number does, so that by 2050 when the population is estimated to reach about 10 billion people, approximately one trillion pounds (454 billion kilograms, or about 161 billion cubic feet)of water will be stored in our collective world population bodies. The fatter we grow the greater will be the total amount.
Upon life termination the water contained within us returns to earth in the form of evaporation or fluid dispersion, that may not be readily available to resupply aquifers, etc. Even if they would resupply water sources would the water be OK to drink, even after treatments that are seldom adequate? How large can the world population grow before potable water becomes depleted, and massive purification methods will be required. At the rate that political leaders recognize and respond to new requirements it will likely be too late, and massive die offs will likely occur.
The simultaneous poisoning of earths drinking water (my book,"A Drinker's Guide to Pure Water, Is Your Water Safe?) describes the problems) and the population explosion will intersect at some point and future life will cease, at lease as we recognize it. This may take several hundreds , thousands , or even millions of years dependent upon the rate at which toxification of drinking water continues, and the human tolerance to chemical toxins, and carcinogens.
Sunday, October 24, 2010
Mute, Think, Hoot,, and Vote
What do you do when you hear and see the 15 second political blurbs that try to get you to vote for their candidate? My wife and I mute the sound,and hoot. We do not care what the commercials claim. Your vote must be based upon facts and principles that are based upon reality not bull. Here are some suggestions to consider before you cast your vote.
1. If you are committed to the double superlative Republican motto, "The least government is the best government" then vote for no government that is the least, and vote Republican. Accept the consequences. The least of anything is zero or none. Republican seem to believe their frequently acclaimed motto, that no government is best, so take them at their word and vote for change where our taxes for roads are eliminated and roads crumble, school taxes are eliminated and scools decay, water treatment taxes are eliminated and clean drinking water disappears, sewerage inundates our communities, etc. since if the Republicans achieve their goal all taxes will be reduced to zero, government becomes non-existent, and we all fend for ourselves. The "common good" becomes "indifferent neglect".
2. If you believe that "government for the people, by the people, and of the people", and that we are guided as our Pledge of Allegiance avows:
"I pledge allegiance to the Flag of the United States of America and to the Republic for which it stands, one Nation under God, indivisible, with liberty and justice for all", what choice have you other than vote Democratic.
The Republican/Tea Party candidates universally advocate for "the least government", separation and division, and some even claim that violent armed revolution is "on the table", despite our Constitution's underlying purpose to "form a more perfect union". The Republicans often favor separation from "the Union of States" and dissolution of our Union of States.
The fundamental distinctions between the Democratic and Republican Parties are clear and indisputable. You, a thinking person, are able to understand the facts and vote accordingly.
Fifteen second bits of video and radio propaganda that aim to capture your vote are valueless and must be ignored. Vote instead for the underlying principles that you support, and your vote will at least reflect your beliefs, not a TV or radio political advertisement.
"Mute" the propaganda and "Hoot" for what you believe after understanding why you believe what you believe. Vote for the politician that you rationally believe will best serve our nation, and your basic needs as a citizen of the United States of America.
1. If you are committed to the double superlative Republican motto, "The least government is the best government" then vote for no government that is the least, and vote Republican. Accept the consequences. The least of anything is zero or none. Republican seem to believe their frequently acclaimed motto, that no government is best, so take them at their word and vote for change where our taxes for roads are eliminated and roads crumble, school taxes are eliminated and scools decay, water treatment taxes are eliminated and clean drinking water disappears, sewerage inundates our communities, etc. since if the Republicans achieve their goal all taxes will be reduced to zero, government becomes non-existent, and we all fend for ourselves. The "common good" becomes "indifferent neglect".
2. If you believe that "government for the people, by the people, and of the people", and that we are guided as our Pledge of Allegiance avows:
"I pledge allegiance to the Flag of the United States of America and to the Republic for which it stands, one Nation under God, indivisible, with liberty and justice for all", what choice have you other than vote Democratic.
The Republican/Tea Party candidates universally advocate for "the least government", separation and division, and some even claim that violent armed revolution is "on the table", despite our Constitution's underlying purpose to "form a more perfect union". The Republicans often favor separation from "the Union of States" and dissolution of our Union of States.
The fundamental distinctions between the Democratic and Republican Parties are clear and indisputable. You, a thinking person, are able to understand the facts and vote accordingly.
Fifteen second bits of video and radio propaganda that aim to capture your vote are valueless and must be ignored. Vote instead for the underlying principles that you support, and your vote will at least reflect your beliefs, not a TV or radio political advertisement.
"Mute" the propaganda and "Hoot" for what you believe after understanding why you believe what you believe. Vote for the politician that you rationally believe will best serve our nation, and your basic needs as a citizen of the United States of America.
Thursday, October 14, 2010
Understand More About Environmental Toxins and What to do to Minimize Harm
This link is a must to view for a better understanding of environmental pollution and health.Please view and pass on to others Thanks
Tuesday, May 25, 2010
Lessons We Can and Must Learn From an Engineered Hole Deep in an Ocean Bottom That Gushes Poisons and Carcinogens
Humans are without doubt the strangest residents on Earth. We are like a swarm of viruses that devour all they infect until the host dies and than the viruses are without a home. Maybe they can find another host to infect before they too die. We humans behave as if we can always find another home if our present one, Earth, is consumed by our own neglect. We seem unable to care until something hits us in our pocket book. The "engineering oil disaster" in the Gulf of Mexico is the latest example of our response to environmental contamination after the genie bites us in the pocket book. Fisherman are losing jobs and income, tourists are staying home as beaches become tar infested and hotels and restaurants stay vacant, amusement events along the shores close, and the hole BP drilled into the ocean floor gushes oil at the rate of 250,000 to possibly 2,500,000 gallons per day into the surrounding seas and shores of the south east USA.
Suddenly politicians who scoffed at environmental pollution and global warming caused by man made contaminants are becoming environmentalists because their constituents are losing their income, jobs, and the environmental enjoyment of clean beaches that they took for granted.Scoffers of global warming now believe that their own backyards must be shielded from environmental harm. They are of course correct. And maybe, just maybe, they will begin to accept the fact that all of Earth is our and their backyard, and the well being of all life on our planet depends upon what is provided by a life-sustaining environment. Perhaps this oil catastrophe will stir the retarded brains of people who claim or think that the Earth's environment is too vast to be harmed by human activities. Human activities generally harm the Earth's vast oceans , air, lands, and near- space atmosphere. Just as the oil gushing out of a giant hole that was drilled into the ocean floor about one mile below the sea surface is now causing toxic contamination of a growing area of land in densely populated parts of our country. We regularly poison our planet's air, fresh water, soils, oceans, and the space our planet occupies and needs to maintain in a way nature intended,without a second thought. Unless of course our source of income is threatened, and then we all become environmentalists. As soon as business resumes we forget the environment and start polluting again. Our memories are short and our interest in the natural environment becomes diverted by the pleasures that technology and engineering offers.
We are now witnessing an environmental disaster that was inevitable. As discussed in a previous blog, engineering as a discipline consists of designing and making things that have a useful life and eventually fail. Everything designed and produced by us has a finite and often unpredictable period of operational use, beyond which some type of failure is absolutely certain. From simple bread toasters to the most technical space ship failure is inevitable if the product is used at all. When failure does occur it can be innocuous or catastrophic. If a toaster develops a shot circuit a home can burn down and kill the occupants. If a space ship hydrogen tank develops a leak and ignites because a simple seal fails all of the astronauts perish in a hydrogen explosion that capture the tears of millions of TV onlookers. When a welded steel gusset used to support the traffic driving across a major bridge breaks, because of accumulated load damage, and the structure collapses killing drives and passengers who happened to be their at the worst possible time it is just the inevitable failure of another engineered product.If a turbine blade in a passenger aircraft engine fails and cause the aircraft to crash and kill all occupants we seem shocked to think how such a thing could happen.
We seem to believe that engineered things are permanent and cannot fail. The bigger they the more permanent they are perceived to be. Often the opposite is the truth. They are not and cannot be permanent. Everything humankind designs and engineers will eventually fail in some manner, and generally unexpectedly. When inevitable failure occurs the consequences may be trivial or disasterous depending upon the engineered thing and its use by humans.
The gigantic hole drilled in the bottom of the ocean in the Gulf of Mexico, about one mile below the surface, continues to spew oil as a result of a component in the towering oil rig. Until the flow is exhausted on its own or somehow plugged, we will probably witness one of the worse "engineered failures" since the industrial revolution began about 200 years ago. It may become the worse failure ever because the consequences are so devastating to all life, plant and animal, human and otherwise. All life poisoned by the organic chemicals contained in the gushing oil will die or become diseased. Death will occurs as plants and sea animals and birds ingest and are coated with the poisons. Fresh water supplies will gradually become contaminated with carcinogenic toxins contained in the crude oil as natural poison and carcinogenic chemicals are released into the environment. The wetlands will become progressively contaminated, and toxic rain water that picks up evaporating toxins from the ocean surface laden with dispersed and wave driven oil will contaminate inland areas as well as the shores. Eventually all life near shores where the oil poisons are washed will become too dangerous to occupy. This scenario is already evident in parts of Louisiana and is also becoming evident elsewhere along the gulf shores as the oil poisons are driven by ocean currents, wind, and poison rain and evaporating vapors.
Perhaps this " inevitable engineered oil disaster" will stimulate our understanding of the fragile nature of our dependence upon the Earth's environment and the sustenance of all life. We cannot continue to ignore or pretend the consequences of our blind acceptance of any technology as if it is always beneficial. Engineering can be and is often beneficial if used appropriately. Risk always prevail, and inevitable failure of all engineered devices and things can and will occur. We must understand the risk and prevent environmental disasters by never allowing the engineering of anything whose failure can threaten our very environment, upon which we all depend. This is everybody's responsibility. Do not allow politicians to tell you what is right or wrong environmentally. Think for yourself and always demand a path toward a cleaner environment where life can flourish and the oceans, lakes, rivers, aquifers, lands, and air can support life.
We must control the spread of technology and engineering for the sake of profit and pleasure and war. We must learn to apply technology and engineering for the benefit not the detriment of life. We all must work to restore our environment to a more natural condition, and prevent stupid and greedy exploitation of the Earth's natural resources for the benefit of the few. We must defend Earth's environment and try to restore it for future generations. If we can learn this from the Gulf engineering oil failure we will see a new day when environmental protection and sustenance becomes the highest human priority! We must, because without a safe and clean environment all life may perish.
Suddenly politicians who scoffed at environmental pollution and global warming caused by man made contaminants are becoming environmentalists because their constituents are losing their income, jobs, and the environmental enjoyment of clean beaches that they took for granted.Scoffers of global warming now believe that their own backyards must be shielded from environmental harm. They are of course correct. And maybe, just maybe, they will begin to accept the fact that all of Earth is our and their backyard, and the well being of all life on our planet depends upon what is provided by a life-sustaining environment. Perhaps this oil catastrophe will stir the retarded brains of people who claim or think that the Earth's environment is too vast to be harmed by human activities. Human activities generally harm the Earth's vast oceans , air, lands, and near- space atmosphere. Just as the oil gushing out of a giant hole that was drilled into the ocean floor about one mile below the sea surface is now causing toxic contamination of a growing area of land in densely populated parts of our country. We regularly poison our planet's air, fresh water, soils, oceans, and the space our planet occupies and needs to maintain in a way nature intended,without a second thought. Unless of course our source of income is threatened, and then we all become environmentalists. As soon as business resumes we forget the environment and start polluting again. Our memories are short and our interest in the natural environment becomes diverted by the pleasures that technology and engineering offers.
We are now witnessing an environmental disaster that was inevitable. As discussed in a previous blog, engineering as a discipline consists of designing and making things that have a useful life and eventually fail. Everything designed and produced by us has a finite and often unpredictable period of operational use, beyond which some type of failure is absolutely certain. From simple bread toasters to the most technical space ship failure is inevitable if the product is used at all. When failure does occur it can be innocuous or catastrophic. If a toaster develops a shot circuit a home can burn down and kill the occupants. If a space ship hydrogen tank develops a leak and ignites because a simple seal fails all of the astronauts perish in a hydrogen explosion that capture the tears of millions of TV onlookers. When a welded steel gusset used to support the traffic driving across a major bridge breaks, because of accumulated load damage, and the structure collapses killing drives and passengers who happened to be their at the worst possible time it is just the inevitable failure of another engineered product.If a turbine blade in a passenger aircraft engine fails and cause the aircraft to crash and kill all occupants we seem shocked to think how such a thing could happen.
We seem to believe that engineered things are permanent and cannot fail. The bigger they the more permanent they are perceived to be. Often the opposite is the truth. They are not and cannot be permanent. Everything humankind designs and engineers will eventually fail in some manner, and generally unexpectedly. When inevitable failure occurs the consequences may be trivial or disasterous depending upon the engineered thing and its use by humans.
The gigantic hole drilled in the bottom of the ocean in the Gulf of Mexico, about one mile below the surface, continues to spew oil as a result of a component in the towering oil rig. Until the flow is exhausted on its own or somehow plugged, we will probably witness one of the worse "engineered failures" since the industrial revolution began about 200 years ago. It may become the worse failure ever because the consequences are so devastating to all life, plant and animal, human and otherwise. All life poisoned by the organic chemicals contained in the gushing oil will die or become diseased. Death will occurs as plants and sea animals and birds ingest and are coated with the poisons. Fresh water supplies will gradually become contaminated with carcinogenic toxins contained in the crude oil as natural poison and carcinogenic chemicals are released into the environment. The wetlands will become progressively contaminated, and toxic rain water that picks up evaporating toxins from the ocean surface laden with dispersed and wave driven oil will contaminate inland areas as well as the shores. Eventually all life near shores where the oil poisons are washed will become too dangerous to occupy. This scenario is already evident in parts of Louisiana and is also becoming evident elsewhere along the gulf shores as the oil poisons are driven by ocean currents, wind, and poison rain and evaporating vapors.
Perhaps this " inevitable engineered oil disaster" will stimulate our understanding of the fragile nature of our dependence upon the Earth's environment and the sustenance of all life. We cannot continue to ignore or pretend the consequences of our blind acceptance of any technology as if it is always beneficial. Engineering can be and is often beneficial if used appropriately. Risk always prevail, and inevitable failure of all engineered devices and things can and will occur. We must understand the risk and prevent environmental disasters by never allowing the engineering of anything whose failure can threaten our very environment, upon which we all depend. This is everybody's responsibility. Do not allow politicians to tell you what is right or wrong environmentally. Think for yourself and always demand a path toward a cleaner environment where life can flourish and the oceans, lakes, rivers, aquifers, lands, and air can support life.
We must control the spread of technology and engineering for the sake of profit and pleasure and war. We must learn to apply technology and engineering for the benefit not the detriment of life. We all must work to restore our environment to a more natural condition, and prevent stupid and greedy exploitation of the Earth's natural resources for the benefit of the few. We must defend Earth's environment and try to restore it for future generations. If we can learn this from the Gulf engineering oil failure we will see a new day when environmental protection and sustenance becomes the highest human priority! We must, because without a safe and clean environment all life may perish.
Friday, May 14, 2010
Act Now to Protect Yourself from Oil Leak Toxic/Carcinogenic Drinking Water
While President Obama, Senate Committees,Secretary of the Interior Salazar, and Republican Drill Baby Drill advocates continue to point fingers and play the blame game those who live along the Gulf Coast will be drinking toxic, carcinogenic water poisoned by enormous the oil leak. As the oil saturates wet lands along the coast, not only will sea life perish and sicken but so will human lives gradually be poisoned. The wetlands are filters that ordinarily helps purify water that enters ground water aquifers that become drinking water sources. The aquifers that are fed by ground water drainage through coastal wetlands will become more toxic daily as organic chemicals contained in crude oil continually enter the aquifers. The carcinogenic contaminants will inevitably pollute drinking water in Gulf communities that depend upon ground water. Municipal water treatments cannot remove all of the toxins and slowly they will accumulate in humans causing irreparable harm if individual actions are not taken. Everyone using municipal or well water must purify the water they drink and use for cooking, etc. as soon as possible. Consult your local companies that specialize in home water purification systems and get one for your home now. Also purchase a TDS (total dissolved solids) monitor to get a measure of purification effectiveness.
Act now to help protect your health and your loved ones. Do not rely on either local or federal government assurances that all is well. They will be misleading you if that is what they tell you. Protect yourself while the blame game continues.
Act now to help protect your health and your loved ones. Do not rely on either local or federal government assurances that all is well. They will be misleading you if that is what they tell you. Protect yourself while the blame game continues.
Saturday, April 10, 2010
Drinking Water--Here Today, Gone Tomorrow--Unless We Take Action Now
What is shared by all human life and for that matter all life? The only answer is WATER. We humans consume about 5 to 8 gallons a day if it is available. We drink what is available where we live or what we buy bottled (usually in plastic and usually municipal water that may or may not be purified additionally and then shipped from distant locations , stored, and gradually contaminated with harmful chemicals that continue to leach out of the plastic containers into the water that we eventually drink. If we are able to use municipal water for which we pay a regular monthly fee we also drink contaminated water that contain both regulated and unregulated toxins at usually very small concentrations. Each sip of water we take contains a veritable cocktail of micro contaminants that can slowly accumulate in all of our body organs and individually or synergistically kill life sustaining cells or cause cancerous mutations and disease, disability, and death. If you doubt these facts read many sources of information that I have discussed in previous blogs.
You can start with the Water Quality Report that your water utility department issues annually. Don' stop there because it will not contain much really useful information. Follow up with resources from the EPA, National Institute of Health, Environmental Working Group, and many books dating from Rachael Carson's, "Silent Spring" in published in 1962 to my book, "A Drinker's Guide to Pure Water" published in 2006, and other more recent reports available from the Sierra Club and others. After studying these sources you should begin to understand the devil of a problem that you unconsciously ignore as you consume more toxic and carcinogenic chemicals with every drink of water you imbibe or ingest.
The high incidence of cancer raises the obvious:"Why is cancer so prevalent?" Why are medical problems that harm vital organs so common? Why are newborn infants, who have obtained all the life support for 9 months from their mothers body, often born with cancer, various diseases, and physical defects? Read and study the overwhelming evidence that implicates and sometimes pinpoints manmade chemicals as the direct cause. Read independent Medical Reports from Medical Colleges and Institutions, reports from the Center for Disease Control, and National Institute of Health as well as reports from diverse environmental groups involved in protecting the vital fresh water supplies on Earth from more accumulative contamination. Educate yourself. Educate others. Your life may very well depend upon what you and others learn.
We, human beings, often ignore or dismiss factors that determine our physical well being if we cannot experience an immediate cause and effect between that factor and our health or sickness. Our consumption of water and the effects of toxic and carcinogenic chemicals are shrouded in that category of unrecognizable influences that are not detected by our normal sensory means. We ordinarily can't see any micro contaminants in the water we consume. We can't feel or hear them. We generally cannot taste them. We, therefore, are unaware of sensory undetectable things. We also often fail to understand the connection between the contaminated water we all drink and ingest with our foods, and the potential diseases that incubate over varying durations of time in our bodies without any symptoms, often until it is too late to treat or cure. We almost never know what or why the particular disease struck. Why me? Why you? For the same reasons millions of others are harmed by chemicals that were never intended by nature to be in our bodies. These unwanted and harmful chemicals are like ticking time bombs ready to explode without prior notification. They are deadly and the fuse can ignite at any time.
Our ignorance is understandable but not excusable. Become informed and then take action to improve the quality and safety of the water we and everyone needs, and take action to prevent future contamination of our limited fresh water supplies. Myriad diseases and often treatable but incurable cancers are caused by contaminants in the water that all of us consume. Billions of dollars of unnecessary medical costs are incurred annually because of contaminated water that poses as drinkable because our local water municipality says that they adhere to Federal standards. Who can vouch for the adequacy of the very limited Federal standards when barely 100 chemicals are regulated out of the many tens of thousands of man made (as many a thirty thousand or more in active use today) chemicals that contaminate most fresh water sources on Earth.
Water treatment technology in use today is incapable of completely removing any of the many tens of thousands of micro constituents that poison fresh water sources everywhere. Most of the inhabitants of Earth are blindly consuming water that has have been contaminated with deadly manmade chemicals that were concocted and made and used mainly over the last eighty years. The petro-chemical industries, agricultural pesticide and herbicides companies, specialty chemical producers, pharmaceutical manufacturers, power generating industry, electronic and computer industry, and many other types of manufacturers and processing operations continuously discharge and distribute products that are made and used worldwide and that are steadily increasing the concentration of toxins and carcinogens in Earth's fresh water sources and oceans.
Since detoxification processes cannot remove the thousands of contaminants that currently are in Earth's water, the rate at which ongoing contamination is occurring makes the problem greater and more dangerous day by day. We are poisoning ourselves and the Earth with toxins and carcinogens that have already had deadly consequences, and the situation worsens and will do so until our planet becomes unable to support life as we know it. To prevent this eventually calamity the production and use of deadly man made chemicals must be substantially curtailed and cease in the relatively near term.
This critical problem is currently ignored by most of the world's leaders and populace, while instead being preoccupied with political and economic issues that are meaningless by comparison. The industrialized countries of the world are responsible for almost all (excluding natural substance that are toxic) poisons and carcinogens that contaminate water. The economically poorer countries of the world, that often already suffer from water shortages and natural contamination, are further harmed by the economically advantaged countries that produce or control production (wherever it occurs) of virtually all man made toxic chemicals that are commonly used for seemingly mundane purposes without our awareness of their deadly potential. While headline grabbing issues divert our attention from major environmental issues that confront our planet,including the well debated issue of climate change that ignorant leaders and others often dismiss as inconsequential or not factual, we engage in endless political rhetoric, war making, and relatively insignificant issues, while life determinant issues are often ignored by leaders and by the majority of people who are supposedly educated, and often entirely ignored by those who are not educated. Many of us are not informed and/or do not want to be informed about vital issues that will determine the viability of life on our planet. We are too easily distracted by inconsequential matters and and entertainment that saturates the media while ignoring really vital issues that require thought and study.
Each of us has the responsibility to protect the fresh water sources that we all depend upon. Get informed about the reality of how we are making our planet's water deadly and the threat to all life that is inevitable if action is not taken soon. Force the political and government leaders to give vital environmental issues the highest priority. Think beyond your locality and state boarders and beyond national boundaries. Think globally about the Earth's future. Humans are the only ones who can take that necessary action to protect all life on Earth now and into the future. Do not pass up this once in a lifetime chance to do something for the benefit of all living things including ourselves and future generations who depend upon what we do, or what we do not do, now. Drinking water is here today and will be gone tomorrow unless we take action now.
You can start with the Water Quality Report that your water utility department issues annually. Don' stop there because it will not contain much really useful information. Follow up with resources from the EPA, National Institute of Health, Environmental Working Group, and many books dating from Rachael Carson's, "Silent Spring" in published in 1962 to my book, "A Drinker's Guide to Pure Water" published in 2006, and other more recent reports available from the Sierra Club and others. After studying these sources you should begin to understand the devil of a problem that you unconsciously ignore as you consume more toxic and carcinogenic chemicals with every drink of water you imbibe or ingest.
The high incidence of cancer raises the obvious:"Why is cancer so prevalent?" Why are medical problems that harm vital organs so common? Why are newborn infants, who have obtained all the life support for 9 months from their mothers body, often born with cancer, various diseases, and physical defects? Read and study the overwhelming evidence that implicates and sometimes pinpoints manmade chemicals as the direct cause. Read independent Medical Reports from Medical Colleges and Institutions, reports from the Center for Disease Control, and National Institute of Health as well as reports from diverse environmental groups involved in protecting the vital fresh water supplies on Earth from more accumulative contamination. Educate yourself. Educate others. Your life may very well depend upon what you and others learn.
We, human beings, often ignore or dismiss factors that determine our physical well being if we cannot experience an immediate cause and effect between that factor and our health or sickness. Our consumption of water and the effects of toxic and carcinogenic chemicals are shrouded in that category of unrecognizable influences that are not detected by our normal sensory means. We ordinarily can't see any micro contaminants in the water we consume. We can't feel or hear them. We generally cannot taste them. We, therefore, are unaware of sensory undetectable things. We also often fail to understand the connection between the contaminated water we all drink and ingest with our foods, and the potential diseases that incubate over varying durations of time in our bodies without any symptoms, often until it is too late to treat or cure. We almost never know what or why the particular disease struck. Why me? Why you? For the same reasons millions of others are harmed by chemicals that were never intended by nature to be in our bodies. These unwanted and harmful chemicals are like ticking time bombs ready to explode without prior notification. They are deadly and the fuse can ignite at any time.
Our ignorance is understandable but not excusable. Become informed and then take action to improve the quality and safety of the water we and everyone needs, and take action to prevent future contamination of our limited fresh water supplies. Myriad diseases and often treatable but incurable cancers are caused by contaminants in the water that all of us consume. Billions of dollars of unnecessary medical costs are incurred annually because of contaminated water that poses as drinkable because our local water municipality says that they adhere to Federal standards. Who can vouch for the adequacy of the very limited Federal standards when barely 100 chemicals are regulated out of the many tens of thousands of man made (as many a thirty thousand or more in active use today) chemicals that contaminate most fresh water sources on Earth.
Water treatment technology in use today is incapable of completely removing any of the many tens of thousands of micro constituents that poison fresh water sources everywhere. Most of the inhabitants of Earth are blindly consuming water that has have been contaminated with deadly manmade chemicals that were concocted and made and used mainly over the last eighty years. The petro-chemical industries, agricultural pesticide and herbicides companies, specialty chemical producers, pharmaceutical manufacturers, power generating industry, electronic and computer industry, and many other types of manufacturers and processing operations continuously discharge and distribute products that are made and used worldwide and that are steadily increasing the concentration of toxins and carcinogens in Earth's fresh water sources and oceans.
Since detoxification processes cannot remove the thousands of contaminants that currently are in Earth's water, the rate at which ongoing contamination is occurring makes the problem greater and more dangerous day by day. We are poisoning ourselves and the Earth with toxins and carcinogens that have already had deadly consequences, and the situation worsens and will do so until our planet becomes unable to support life as we know it. To prevent this eventually calamity the production and use of deadly man made chemicals must be substantially curtailed and cease in the relatively near term.
This critical problem is currently ignored by most of the world's leaders and populace, while instead being preoccupied with political and economic issues that are meaningless by comparison. The industrialized countries of the world are responsible for almost all (excluding natural substance that are toxic) poisons and carcinogens that contaminate water. The economically poorer countries of the world, that often already suffer from water shortages and natural contamination, are further harmed by the economically advantaged countries that produce or control production (wherever it occurs) of virtually all man made toxic chemicals that are commonly used for seemingly mundane purposes without our awareness of their deadly potential. While headline grabbing issues divert our attention from major environmental issues that confront our planet,including the well debated issue of climate change that ignorant leaders and others often dismiss as inconsequential or not factual, we engage in endless political rhetoric, war making, and relatively insignificant issues, while life determinant issues are often ignored by leaders and by the majority of people who are supposedly educated, and often entirely ignored by those who are not educated. Many of us are not informed and/or do not want to be informed about vital issues that will determine the viability of life on our planet. We are too easily distracted by inconsequential matters and and entertainment that saturates the media while ignoring really vital issues that require thought and study.
Each of us has the responsibility to protect the fresh water sources that we all depend upon. Get informed about the reality of how we are making our planet's water deadly and the threat to all life that is inevitable if action is not taken soon. Force the political and government leaders to give vital environmental issues the highest priority. Think beyond your locality and state boarders and beyond national boundaries. Think globally about the Earth's future. Humans are the only ones who can take that necessary action to protect all life on Earth now and into the future. Do not pass up this once in a lifetime chance to do something for the benefit of all living things including ourselves and future generations who depend upon what we do, or what we do not do, now. Drinking water is here today and will be gone tomorrow unless we take action now.
Sunday, February 28, 2010
What's Not Seen Can Cause Death---Invisible Toxins in Water
We are conditioned to believe that all we need do is look, hear, and speak to determine reality. This is largely bunk. We hear endless charades of word from so-called experts about everything from what to not eat to who to vote foe and why. We are fed endless propaganda by purveyors who want us to buy whatever they sell as we are assured that their product are superior to every other similar product. We are often told by government agencies that they have the peoples interest at heart and whatever needs fixing will be fixed. We often swallow this continuous line of assurances as if it is the true gospel.
Swallow it indeed. Every drop of water we swallow contains contaminants that can cause illness and even death that we swallow nonetheless because we assume that what we can't see cant hurt us. Virtually all the water; well sources, municipal water system sources, lakes, reservoirs, rivers and oceans world wide have become contaminated during the last 100 years from man made chemicals that never were found in nature. Many of these thousands of chemical substances cause cancer, and incurable diseases that lead to premature death including infants. Infants absorb toxic chemical that are in their mothers blood during the period of gestation.
The invisible toxic chemicals are often odorless in water and no decontamination process exists that can remove all traces. Household water from municipal water plants is chlorinated to eliminate bacterium but the purification processes do not remove most toxic man made chemicals. The traces that remain accumulate in our body organs over time and can nucleate cancerous cells and other abnormalities without our awareness.
In many parts of the world all drinking water is derived from wells that depend upon ground water aquifers sources. The chemical contamination of these ground waters depends upon what is natural in the sources and what is charged into the ground water from ground and above ground sources. Rain can carry pollution from distant locations and deposit toxic chemicals everywhere. Leaking underground fuel storage tanks can and does poison well water and municipal water sources causing unknown numbers of illnesses and deaths. Most of us live in areas where rain run-off deposits toxins on roadways into the ground water and contaminates all drinking water using the particular aquifers that are supplied by the contaminated run-off. We are subjected to continuous sources of contaminate water wherever we live and in some areas the contamination is very deadly dependent upon the particular chemicals that are present.
Governmental water quality regulations do not provide the necessary protection and many states have their own weak or non-existent regulation governing ground water sources. Underground fuel tanks inevitably leak and discharge their generally toxic contents (petrochemicals containing a large number of carcinogenic and poisonous chemicals) into ground water. In the USA alone their are more than 600,000 underground fuel tanks and about 50% are estimated to be leaking into ground water. No tank material is impervious to either corrosion or rupture and eventually every underground tank will leak their potentially toxic contents into the ground and into our mouths.
What is not seen can cause your sickness and even death. Open your minds and demand facts and action from your state and federal governments to disclose truthful information and facts about the contaminant found in ground water and municipal system sources. DO NOT rely on the WATER QUALITY REPORTS that are usually cited and printed as part of the propaganda charade. Dig deeper and never take anyones word for real facts. You do not have to be a chemist or toxicologist to understand the facts. Just your brains, and, your refusal to accept bunk. Keep your eyes wide shut and your brain wide open.
Swallow it indeed. Every drop of water we swallow contains contaminants that can cause illness and even death that we swallow nonetheless because we assume that what we can't see cant hurt us. Virtually all the water; well sources, municipal water system sources, lakes, reservoirs, rivers and oceans world wide have become contaminated during the last 100 years from man made chemicals that never were found in nature. Many of these thousands of chemical substances cause cancer, and incurable diseases that lead to premature death including infants. Infants absorb toxic chemical that are in their mothers blood during the period of gestation.
The invisible toxic chemicals are often odorless in water and no decontamination process exists that can remove all traces. Household water from municipal water plants is chlorinated to eliminate bacterium but the purification processes do not remove most toxic man made chemicals. The traces that remain accumulate in our body organs over time and can nucleate cancerous cells and other abnormalities without our awareness.
In many parts of the world all drinking water is derived from wells that depend upon ground water aquifers sources. The chemical contamination of these ground waters depends upon what is natural in the sources and what is charged into the ground water from ground and above ground sources. Rain can carry pollution from distant locations and deposit toxic chemicals everywhere. Leaking underground fuel storage tanks can and does poison well water and municipal water sources causing unknown numbers of illnesses and deaths. Most of us live in areas where rain run-off deposits toxins on roadways into the ground water and contaminates all drinking water using the particular aquifers that are supplied by the contaminated run-off. We are subjected to continuous sources of contaminate water wherever we live and in some areas the contamination is very deadly dependent upon the particular chemicals that are present.
Governmental water quality regulations do not provide the necessary protection and many states have their own weak or non-existent regulation governing ground water sources. Underground fuel tanks inevitably leak and discharge their generally toxic contents (petrochemicals containing a large number of carcinogenic and poisonous chemicals) into ground water. In the USA alone their are more than 600,000 underground fuel tanks and about 50% are estimated to be leaking into ground water. No tank material is impervious to either corrosion or rupture and eventually every underground tank will leak their potentially toxic contents into the ground and into our mouths.
What is not seen can cause your sickness and even death. Open your minds and demand facts and action from your state and federal governments to disclose truthful information and facts about the contaminant found in ground water and municipal system sources. DO NOT rely on the WATER QUALITY REPORTS that are usually cited and printed as part of the propaganda charade. Dig deeper and never take anyones word for real facts. You do not have to be a chemist or toxicologist to understand the facts. Just your brains, and, your refusal to accept bunk. Keep your eyes wide shut and your brain wide open.
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