Friday, January 10, 2014

Drinking Water Contamination in West Virginia --Another Tick of the Time Bomb

A state of emergency has been issued by the Governor of West Virginia advising more than 300,000 people in nine counties NOT TO DRINK OR COOK OR BATHE USING THEIR TAP WATER! President Obama has declared a state of emergency and national guard troops are bringing bottled water to serve the absolute necessity for drinkable water. This situation occurred because a storage tank and concrete containment enclosure leaked and unknown about of a chemical substance called 4-Methylcyclohexane Methanol, or MCHM that is produced by a chemical company near Charleston. Material Data Safety Sheets for this chemical reveals its likely toxic and carcinogenic properties, that have not been confirmed by National Institute of Health evaluations. This neglect is common and blatant since fewer than 300 toxic / carcinogenic chemicals have been identified since the "chemical age" began about 85 years ago. Periodically,  National Institute of Health reports are issued describing verified carcinogens and their biological effects. Such scant coverage is a disgrace and surly must be apparent to those responsible for issuing the NIH report.

Man made synthetic chemicals production began with the large scale production and application of carcinogenic PCB's (1930) and we (all earth) now produce more than 30,000 different potentially toxic and carcinogenic man made synthetic chemicals that pose deadly threats to all humankind. The US EPA publishes an annual report called the Toxic Inventory Report that discloses the fact that more than 4 billion tons of toxic substances (mostly synthetic chemicals) are released annually into the USA environment where they most certainly contaminate drinking water sources, air, land and foods with potentially deadly cocktails of man made synthetic carcinogens and toxins. WE the people of the USA and rest of the industrial world that also release toxins and carcinogens  both accidentally and deliberately blithely ignore reality wondering why cancer strikes nearly 13 million people annually (and nearly 8 million die) and about 150,000 deformed infants are born including about 25,000 who are still born in the USA alone. Seldom if ever do individuals give a thought to the consequences of our toxic man made environment until  a sudden notable event occurs as it has in West Virginia. Momentarily we awaken and soon thereafter when the headlines change we forget about the insidious problems caused by man made synthetic chemicals that surround and poison us slowly. Exposure to cocktails of carcinogens and toxins that are present and accumulate gradually in our bodies cause cancer and other diseases.

Storage tanks leak gasoline, oil, and myriad man made chemical substances that are stored and distributed below and above ground virtually. Storage containers brake and fail as can pipelines suddenly releasing toxins and carcinogens into the environment.  Deliberate and permitted releases of toxic /carcinogenic chemicals are everywhere and everyone is exposed and we gradually accumulates dangerous and potentially deadly man made chemical substances in our bodies. Mothers bearing babies transmit toxins to the fetuses yet to be born. Everyone, everywhere is exposed to potentially disease-causing man made chemicals. The vast majority of these toxic/carcinogenic chemical substances are products of technology that were developed since 1930, most during the last 50 years that I describe as the peak of the "Chemical Age". Chemical industries constitute the largest market segment in the world, and new synthetic chemicals are developed continuously, generally without definitive pre-marketing testing to determine long term safety. The human race is the test bed and only if a synthetic chemical eventually is proven to cause cancers or other serious diseases is production banned. 

This can take many decades of use before action is taken to restrict use or production. Nearly 50 years elapsed before PCB ( a carcinogenic and toxic synthetic chemical) was banned. Meanwhile, millions of people were exposed and sustained diseases and cancers often fatal. Another example pertains to over one million people at the marine training base Camp Lejune were exposed to ground water contamination cause by disposal of deadly man made organic chemicals over a period of about 50 years before action was taken to stop its use and admit responsibility, and compensate family members who became ill and died. These types of incidents that kill and sicken occur regularly, and without identification of the cause of disease or death, other than the usual statement "natural causes". Neglect and dereliction saturates the annals pertaining to truthful disclosure of factual evidence concerning carcinogenic chemicals until the story cannot be withheld any longer. West Virginia came to the surface quickly because people drinking water notices the peculiar taste and odor and because so many people were suddenly affected. Such is not typically the case. Taste and odor signs are generally not present and people continue to consume toxins and carcinogens without awareness. 

Wherever you live your tap water contains trace amounts of toxic and carcinogenic chemicals that cannot be totally removed from tap water without major investment in new technology to treat municipal water supplies and stand alone wells using ground water in communities or individual homes and businesses.  Many trillions of dollars would be needed over at least a decade to accomplish this. Simultaneously elimination of toxic / carcinogenic synthetic chemicals from further production and  use is also needed or the problem will worsen more rapidly than it can be remedied. This requires "people action" and shaking up politicians, both of which demands comprehension and action by the majority of the public and politicians who are responsive and understand the critical issue. The Environmental Working Group, a non profit environmental group, is a good source of independent information, albeit constrained because of a very limited budget, regarding toxic or carcinogenic chemicals that are commonly found in commercial products, foods, and water. Follow the EWG, and obtain additional information to use your knowledge to combat this insidious health issue.

Whether you live in a rural communities served by wells or in metropolitan areas you are exposed to toxic and carcinogenic cocktails consisting of mixtures of trace amounts of man made chemical substances that endanger your health and that of your loved ones, and those yet to be born. What is taking place in West Virginia today is an example of what is happening below the news headlines every day, every where. You are simply unaware and generally unsuspecting. Water quality standards issued by the EPA lack scope, typically specifying fewer than 120 chemical substance as if they were present alone. Not only is the number of chemical substances unrealistically small but the standards do not even address the "cocktail effect" of multiple chemical substance in combination with one another. Synergistic damage is known to take place under certain conditions if cocktails of  trace amounts of harmful chemicals are tested on animals, obviously not including humans. 

Reality should awaken us and the rest of humankind to take action and prevent man made toxins and carcinogens from contaminating our planet and all life into the future. Substantial damage has already occurred and may not be totally reversible. Nonetheless action must be taken to prevent more biological damage. West Virginia is another tick of the brewing time bomb.  

P.S. My book published in 2007: "A Drinker's Guide to Pure Water--Is Your Water Safe?" deals with this subject and is available from in paperback and Kindle issues.

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